It’s October, and that means it’s time to get ready for Halloween. Check out productions of “Thriller” and “The Addams Family,” take a stroll through pumpkin patches or run for you life through Haunted Forests.
Click here: Halloween holiday events
Avant Vespers, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 50 W. 200 North, Provo, free, donations accepted (801-472-3962 or christianasplund.xyz/avant-vespers)
“Inside Outside,” Oct. 4-5, 7:30 p.m., Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W. 300 South, $30-$35 for general, $15-$20 for students and seniors (rdtutah.org)
“Thriller,” Oct. 4-5, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 5, 3 p.m.; Oct. 6, 6 p.m., Egyptian Theatre, 328 Main, Park City, $23-$40 (435-649-9371 or odysseydance.com/shows/thriller)
Dvorak’s “New World Symphony,” Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m., Weber State University, Browning Center, Ogden, $7 for adults, $6 for seniors and military, $4.50 for students (weber.edu/artscalendar)
“La Boheme,” Oct. 5 and 11, 7:30 p.m., Center for the Arts at Kayenta, 881 Coyote Gulch Court, Ivins, Washington County, $30 for general, $10 for students; dinner, Oct. 5 only, 5:30 p.m., $25 (435-674-2787 or kayentaarts.com)
Dirtwire with Moodlite, Oct. 5, 9 p.m., The Commonwealth Room, 195 W. 2100 South, South Salt Lake, $23-$45, for ages 21 and older (thestateroompresents.com/the-commonwealth-room)
Dropkick Murphys, Clutch, Hatebreed, and Amigo The Devil, Oct. 6, 6:15 p.m., Union Event Center, 235 N. 500 West, $45.95 (theunioneventcenter.com)
Osmond Chapman Orchestra, Oct. 7, 7 p.m., Peery’s Egyptian Theater, 2415 S. Washington Blvd., Ogden, free (385-743-0146 or excellenceconcerts.org)
“Thriller,” Oct. 8-12, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 12, 2 p.m., Covey Center, 425 W. Center, Provo, $25-$30 (801-852-7007 or odysseydance.com/shows/thriller)
Godsmack with Halestorm, Oct. 9, 7 p.m., USANA Amphitheatre, 5150 Upper Ridge Road, West Valley City, $29-$79 (801-417-5343 or smithstix.com)
Snow College Big Band, Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m., Gallivan Center, 239 S. Main, free (385-743-0146 or excellenceconcerts.org)
Roy Orbison and Buddy Holly hologram tour, Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., Eccles Theater, 131 S. Main, $30-$50 (801-355-2787 or artsaltlake.org)
“Storytime Origins,” Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., Heritage Center, 105 N. 100 East, Cedar City, $12 for adults, $6 for students, children over age 6 welcome (435-592-6051 or facebook.com/OSUCedarCity
“Star Wars Triple Force Friday,” Oct. 4, midnight, Walmart, 2705 E. Parley’s Way and 1206 N. Canyon Creek Parkway, Spanish Fork, free (Walmart.com/StarWars)
Interfaith Prayer Vigil, Oct. 4, 6-7 p.m., St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, 231 E. 100 South, free (stmarksutah.org)
LegalShield Leadership Conference: “A Better World,” Oct. 4-5, times vary, The Salt Palace, 100 S. West Temple, free for local residents (connect.legalshield.com/convention)
Bollywood dance class, Oct. 5, 9-10 a.m., Downtown Farmers Market, Pioneer Park, 300 W. 300 South, free, registration required (rdtutah.org/danceclasses)
Open House and Voting Event, Oct. 5, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., Ladies Literary Clubhouse, 850 E. South Temple, free (facebook.com/ClubhouseSLC)
“Canyon Conversations: Backyard Bird Identification,” Oct. 5, 11 a.m.-noon, Stokes Nature Center, 2696 E. U.S. Highway 89, Logan, free (435-755-3239 or logannature.org)
“Community Meet-up: Sun Tunnels,” Oct. 5, 1-4 p.m., Great Basin Desert, west of the Bonneville Salt Flats, free (umfa.utah.edu)
Pumpkin Nights, Oct. 10-Nov. 2, 5:30-10 p.m., excluding Halloween, Utah State Fairpark, 155 N. 1000 West, $14-$20, $7 for for parking (pumpkinnights.com)
Haunted Forest, through Oct. 31, dates and times vary, 6000 W. 6400 South, American Fork, $25-$30, free for children ages 6 and younger with adult (801-367-2300 or hauntedutah.com)
“The Addams Family,” Oct. 4-26, Fridays and Saturdays, times vary, Pickleville Playhouse, 2049 S. Bear Lake Blvd., Garden City, Rich County, $17-$28 (435-946-2918 or picklevilleplayhouse.com)
“Annie Get Your Gun,” Oct. 4-26, dates and times vary, Old Barn Community Theatre, 3605 Bigler Road, Collinston, Box Elder County, $8-$9 (435-458-2276 or oldbarn.org)
“Disaster,” Oct. 4-19, dates and times vary, Empress Theatre, 9104 W. 2700 South, Magna, $10-$12 (801-347-7373 or empresstheatre.com)
“Mamma Mia!” Oct. 4-Nov. 16, dates and times vary, Terrace Plaza Playhouse, 99 E. 4700 South, Ogden, $15-$17 for adults, $14-$16 for military, students and seniors, $10-$12 for children ages 12 and younger (801-393-0070 or terraceplayhouse.com)
“Sweeney Todd,” Oct. 4-28, dates and times vary, Draper Theatre, 12366 S. 900 East, Draper, $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, students and military with ID, $8 for children ages 12 and younger (801-572-4144 or drapertheatre.org)
“Honeymoon at Graveside Manor,” Oct. 10-18, dates and times vary, Pioneer Hall, 1137 W. 7800 South, West Jordan, $9-12 for general, $5-$8 for children under age 12, students with ID and seniors (801-294-1242 or sugarfactoryplayhouse.com)
“Wait Until Dark,” Oct. 10-Nov. 16, dates and times vary, Brigham’s Playhouse, 25 N. 300 West, Washington, Washington County, $23 for adults, $21 for seniors, $17 for children ages 5-17 and students with ID, children under age 5 not admitted (435-251-8000 or brighamsplayhouse.com)
“Cagney,” Oct. 4-5, 7:30 p.m.; Oct. 5, 2 p.m., Pioneer Theatre Company, 300 S. 1400 East, $45-$73 (pioneertheatre.org)
“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” Oct. 4-5, 7:30 p.m., SCERA Center for the Arts, 745 S. State, Orem, $14 for adults, $12 for children ages 3-11 and seniors (801-225-2787 or scera.org)
“Little Shop of Horrors,” Oct. 4-5, 7 p.m., Timpanogos Theatre, 90 N. 100 West, Heber City, $12-$17 for adults, $8-$12 for children, seniors and students with ID (timpvalleytheatre.com)
“Every Brilliant Thing,” through Oct. 12, dates and times vary, The Beverley Center for the Arts, Anes Studio Theatre, SUU, Cedar City, $52-$56; contains adult topics (800-752-9849 or bard.org)
“Hamlet,” through Oct. 12, dates and times vary, The Beverley Center for the Arts, Randall L. Jones Theatre, SUU, Cedar City, $32-$77; contains adult themes and bawdy language (800-752-9849 or bard.org)
“Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,” through Oct. 12, dates and times vary, The Beverley Center for the Arts, Randall L. Jones Theatre, SUU, Cedar City, $37-$82 (800-752-9849 or bard.org)
“A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody,” through Oct. 12, Covey Center, 425 W. Center, Provo, $16 for adults, $14 for students, seniors and military (801-852-7007 or coveycenter.org)
“The Price,” through Oct. 12, dates and times vary, The Beverley Center for the Arts, Anes Studio Theatre, SUU, Cedar City, $52-$56 (800-752-9849 or bard.org)
“Death of a Driver,” through Oct. 20, dates and times vary, Salt Lake Acting Company, 168 W. 500 North, $30-$44 (801-363-7522 or saltlakeactingcompany.org)
“When You Wish,” through Oct. 24, dates and times vary, Tuacahn Center for the Arts, 1100 Tuacahn Drive, Ivins, Washington County, $32-$99 (435-652-3200 or tuacahn.org/wish
“The Little Mermaid,” through Oct. 25, dates and times vary, Tuacahn Center for the Arts, 1100 Tuacahn Drive, Ivins, Washington County, $32-$99 (435-652-3200 or tuacahn.org/mermaid)
“Curtains,” through Oct. 26, dates and times vary, The Grand Theatre, 1575 S. State, $10-$26 (801-957-3322 or grandtheatrecompany.com)
“Dracula vs. The Adamns Family,” through Oct. 26, dates and times vary, The Off Broadway Theatre, 272 S. Main, $16 for adults, $12 for students, seniors and military, $10 for children ages 2-12 (801-355-4628 or theobt.org)
“The Sound of Music,” through Oct. 26, dates and times vary, Tuacahn Center for the Arts, 1100 Tuacahn Drive, Ivins, Washington County, $32-$105 (435-652-3200 or tuacahn.org/music)
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” through Oct. 26, dates and times vary, CenterPoint Legacy Theatre, Barlow Main Stage, 525 N. 400 West, Centerville, $17.75-$28.75 (801-298-1302 or centerpointtheatre.org)
“Adams Family Reunion,” through Nov. 9, dates and times vary, Desert Star, 4861 S. State, Murray, $26.95 for adults, $15.95 for children ages 11 and younger (801-266-2600 or desertstar.biz)
“Phantom,” through Nov. 9, Hale Centre Theatre, Centre Stage, 9900 S. Monroe St., Sandy, $48-$52 for adults, $22-$26 for youths ages 5-17, children under age 5 not permitted (801-984-9000 or hct.org)
“The Addams Family,” through Nov. 16, dates and times vary, Hale Centre Theatre, Jewel Box, 9900 S. Monroe St., Sandy, $36-$48 for adults, $18-$24 for youths ages 5-17 (801-984-9000 or hct.org)
“Thoroughly Modern Millie,” through Nov. 23, dates and times vary, Hale Center Theater Orem, 225 W. 400 North, Orem, $25-$27 for adults, $19-$21 for children ages 4-11 (801-226-8600 or haletheater.org)
FARMER OF THE YEAR — When Hap Anderson, a widowed 83-year-old Minnesota farmer who thinks he’s still quite the ladies’ man, sells his family farm, he finds himself adrift and staring a short future in the face. 103 minutes; not rated; Jordan Commons.
JOKER — A gritty character study of Arthur Fleck, a man disregarded by society. 121 minutes; R (strong bloody violence, disturbing behavior, language and brief sexual images); in general release; to be reviewed by Josh Terry.
MONOS — On a faraway mountaintop, eight kids with guns watch over a hostage and a conscripted milk cow. 102 minutes; R (violence, language, some sexual content and drug use); Broadway.
RABID — A young woman develops a taste for human blood after undergoing experimental plastic surgery, and her victims turn into rabid, blood-thirsty zombies who proceed to infect others, which turns into a citywide epidemic. 107 minutes; not rated.
“Anthropocene: The Human Epoch,” Oct. 8, 7 p.m., Salt Lake City Main Library, 210 E. 400 South, free, post-film discussion on sustainable design (utahfilmcenter.org)
“Elvis Unleashed,” Oct. 7 and 10, 7 p.m., select Megaplex Theatres, $9.65-$11.80 (megaplextheatres.com)
“Ghostbusters: 35th Anniversary,” Oct. 6, 4 and 7 p.m., select Cinemark Theatres, $12.50 (cinemark.com)
“However Long,” Oct. 9, 7 p.m., Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center, 138 W. Broadway, free, post-film Q&A with director Jenny Mackenzie (utahfilmcenter.org)
“Joan Jett: Bad Reputation,” Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., Brewvies, 677 S. 200 West, and 2293 Grant Ave., Ogden, $10, for ages 21 and older (krcl.org)
“Little Monsters” screening with Q&A, Oct. 8, 7:30 p.m., Cinemark Jordan Landing, 7301 S. Jordan Landing Blvd., West Jordan, $7-$10.75 (cinemark.com)
Metallica and San Francisco Symphony concert, Oct. 9, 7 p.m., select Megaplex Theatres, $13.41 (megaplextheatres.com); and 7:30 p.m., select Cinemark Theatres, $10.75 (cinemark.com)
“Oliver Twist,” Oct. 10-11, 7:30 p.m., Organ Loft, 3331 S. Edison St., $5-$6 (801-485-9265 or edisonstreetevents.com)
“Operation Dumbo Drop,” Oct. 8, 10 a.m., SCERA Center for the Arts, 745 S. State, Orem, $2, for adults ages 18 and older (801-225-2787 or scera.org)
“Roger Waters: Us + Them,” Oct. 6, 12:30 p.m., Cinemark Century 16, 3300 S. State, $10 (cinemark.com)
Benchmark Books, 3269 S. Main, Steven C. Harper, author of “First Vision: Memory and Mormon Origins, Oct. 9, 5:30 p.m., (801-486-3111 or benchmarkbooks.com)
The King’s English Bookshop, 1511 S. 1500 East, Scott Graham, author of “Arches Enemy” and C. Joseph Greaves, author of “Church of the Graveyard Saints,” Oct. 5, 7 p.m.; authors Naomi Watkins and Katherine Kitterman with illustrator Brooke Smart, for “Champions of Change” book, Oct. 8, 7 p.m.; and Jacob Paul, author of “Last Tower to Heaven,” Oct. 10, 7 p.m. (801-484-9100 or kingsenglish.com)
Orem Library, 58 N. State, Orem, Erin Stewart, author of “Scars Like Wings,” and Crystal Smith, author of “Bloodleaf,” Oct. 4, 7 p.m.; Brian Evenson, author of “Song for the Unraveling of the World,” Oct. 10, 7 p.m. (385-695-2042 or theprintedgarden.com)
The Printed Garden, 9445 S. Union Square, Suite A, Sandy, authors James Dashner and Crystal Liechty with illustrator Steven Heumann, Oct. 5, 3 p.m. (385-695-2042 or theprintedgarden.com)
Provo City Library, 550 N. University Ave., Provo, authors Shannon Hale and Raina Telgemeier with illustrator LeUyen Pham, Oct. 10, 7 p.m., ticketed event (provolibrary.com/authorlink)
Salem Library, 59 S. Main, Salem, Connie E. Sokol, author of “Loving Like Jane,” Oct. 7, 4:30 p.m. (801-423-2622 or library.salemcity.org/events)
Weber County Main Library, 2464 Jefferson Ave., Ogden, Robison Wells, co-author of “The Warning,” with James Patterson, Oct. 9, 7 p.m. (801-337-2632 or weberpl.lib.ut.us/events)
Bountiful Davis Art Center, 90 N. Main, Bountiful, silk painting workshop, Oct. 5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., $125 (801-295-3618 or bdac.org)
“Power Couples” symposium, Oct. 4, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Drive, University of Utah, free (801-581-7332 or umfa.utah.edu)
“Community Meet-up: Sun Tunnels,” Oct. 5, 1-4 p.m., Great Basin Desert, west of the Bonneville Salt Flats, free (umfa.utah.edu)
Anthony’s Fine Art and Antiques, 401 E. 200 South, “Certain Women: A Latter-day Saint Women’s Art Show,” opening reception Oct. 3, 6 p.m.; on display Oct. 4-Nov. 9; and “Beauty and Variety,” by Paige C. Anderson, opening reception Oct. 4, 6 p.m.; on display Oct. 4-Nov. 1 (801-328-2231)
Art at the Main, 210 E. 400 South, “Impressions in Glass,” by Joe Peretto, through Oct. 12 (801-363-4088)
Church History Museum, 45 N. West Temple, 11th International Art Exhibition: “Meditations on Belief,” by various artists, through Oct. 7 (801-240-3310)
David Ericson Fine Art, 418 S. 200 West, art by Brian Kershisnik, through Oct. 18 (801-533-8245)
Finch Lane and Park Galleries at the Art Barn, 1340 E. 100 South, art by Susan Makov, Clara Koons and Megan Arne, through Nov. 15 (801-596-5000)
Loge Gallery at Pioneer Theatre, 300 S. 1400 East, “In Good Company,” by artists at Saltgrass printmakers, through Oct. 5 (801-581-6961)
Modern West Fine Art, 412 S. 700 West, “Myth,” Fidalis Buehler, Mitch Mantle and Wren Ross, through Oct. 31 (801-355-3383)
Relics Framemakers & Gallery, 4685 S. Holladay Blvd., Plein Air Holladay 2019, through Oct. 16 (801-272-8312)
Rio Gallery, 300 S. Rio Grande St., “Design Arts,” by Utah student designers, through Oct. 18 (801-245-7272)
Utah Cultural Celebration Center, 1355 W. 3100 South, West Valley City, “Our Best,” by members of the Utah Watercolor Society, through Oct. 16; “Get Forty-Fied,” by Utah Calligraphic Artists, through Oct. 22; and “Colors of the Wild,” by Jennifer Seeley, through Nov. 6 (801-965-5100)
Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, 20 S. West Temple, “Synchronistic Space,” by Anne Fudyma, through Oct. 12; “Bath House,” by Madison Donnelly, through Oct. 26; “Glazed Atrium,” by Ryan Lauderdale, through Nov. 2; “Abstraction is Just a Word, But I Use It,” by various artists, through Jan. 4, 2020; and art by Nancy Friedemann-Sanchez, through Jan. 11, 2020 (801-328-4201)
Utah Museum of Fine Arts, 410 Campus Center Drive, University of Utah, “Power Couples: The Pendant Format in Art,” curated by Leslie Anderson, through Dec. 8; “Ummah,” by various artists, through Dec. 15; and “De/Marcation: A Survey of Contemporary Photography in Utah,” by various artists, through Jan. 12, 2020 (801-581-7332)
Art Around the Corner Foundation, various locations in St. George, outdoor sculpture exhibit, by various artists; on display through early 2020 (artaroundthecorner.org)
Bountiful Davis Art Center, 90 N. Main, Bountiful, “Liten,” curated by Laura Sharp-Wilson, and art by Susan Krueger-Barber, Nolan Flynn, J. Amber Egbert and Eric Fairclough, through Nov. 1 (801-295-3618)
Brigham Young University Museum of Art, BYU, Provo, “Where the River Widens,” by Danae Mattes, and “Windswept,” by Patrick Dougherty, through Oct. 19 (801-422-8287)
Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum, 660 W. 400 North, Blanding, “Ancient Skies Through Ancient Eyes,” by Bob Maynard, through Oct. 31 (utahscanyoncountry.com)
Kimball Art Center, 1401 Kearns Blvd., Park City, “The Imperfections That Render Us Visible,” by Jim Jacobs, through Nov. 3 (435-649-8882)
Meyer Gallery, 305 Main, Park City, “Small Treasures,” by various artists, through Oct. 19 (435-649-8160)
Southern Utah Museum of Art, 351 W. University Blvd., Cedar City, “Homage to William Shakespeare,” by Karl Momen, and “Al Farrow: Wrath and Reverence,” through Oct. 5; and “A Very Big Tiny Art Show,” by 26 local artists, through Oct. 12 (435-586-7700)
Mountain Place Gallery, 123 N. Main, Logan, “Celebrate Fall,” by Russ Fjeldsted, through October (435-752-0211)
Red Cliff Gallery, 220 N. 200 East, St. George, “Color Explosion,” by members of the Southern Utah Art Guild, through Oct. 31 (redcliffgallerysuag.com)
St. George Art Museum, 47 E. 200 North, St. George, “In the Spirit of Everett Ruess,” woodcuts and linocuts by Carol Bold, Royden Card, Abe McCowan and Robert Perkins, through Oct. 22 (435-627-4525)
Springville Museum of Art, 126 E. 400 South, Springville, “Round Up: Icons of the American West,” by various artists, through June 19, 2021 (801-489-2727)
Weber State University, Kimball Visual Arts Center Shaw Gallery, Ogden, “Perspectives in Printmaking: An Evolving Dynamic,” through Nov. 9 (weber.edu/artscalendar)
Woodbury Art Museum, University Place, 575 E. University Parkway, Orem, Faculty Art Show, through Dec. 14 (801-863-4200)
“Little Chicks Class: Hear,” Oct. 4, 9:30-10:30 a.m., Tracy Aviary, 589 E. 1300 South, $20 with adult, for children ages 4-5 (801-596-8500 or tracyaviary.org/littlechicks)
“Make Your Own Hiking Stick,” Oct. 5, 10 a.m.-noon, Ogden Nature Center, 966 12th St., Ogden, $12 for members, $15 for nonmembers, plus $5 per stick (801-621-7595 or ogdennaturecenter.org)
“The Haunted Forest” puppet show, Oct. 5, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum, 444 W. 100 South, included with admission, $12.50 for general, $10 for seniors (801-456-5437 or discoverygateway.org)
Punch-and-Judy show, Oct. 5, 2 p.m., Brigham City Fine Arts Center, 58 S. 100 West, Brigham City, free (435-723-0740 or bcfineartscenter.org)
South Jordan Library, 10673 Redwood Road, South Jordan, “Homeschool STEAM: Digging into DNA,” Oct. 4, 1 p.m. (801-944-7634)
Whitmore Library, 2197 Fort Union Blvd., Cottonwood Heights, “The Haunted Forest” puppet show, Oct. 4, 11:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. (801-943-4636)
Taylorsville Library, 4870 S. 2700 West, “STEAM Fridays: Earthquakes,” Oct. 4, 4 p.m. (801-943-4636)
Corinne and Jack Sweet Library, 455 E. F St., “Teen Lock In of Horror: Stop Motion Animation Filmmaking,” Oct. 4, 6 p.m., register at events.slcpl.org/events (801-594-8651)
Park City Library, 1255 Park Ave., Park City, toy swap, Oct. 5, 10 a.m.; and a free screening of “How to Train Your Dragon 2,” Oct. 5, 4 p.m. (801-615-5600)
West Jordan Library, 8030 S. 1825 West, West Jordan, “The Haunted Forest” puppet show, Oct. 5, 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. (801-943-4636)
Marmalade Library, 280 W. 500 North, “Teen DIY: Perler Beads,” Oct. 3, 3 p.m.; and National Chemistry Week, Oct. 5, 11 a.m. (801-594-8680)
Salt Lake City Main Library, 210 E. 400 South, read to a dog, Oct. 5, 1 p.m.; and tabletop gaming for teens, Oct. 5, 2 p.m. (801-524-8200)
Anderson-Foothill Library, 1135 S. 2100 East, read to a dog, Oct. 5, 1 p.m.; and “Family Saturday Crafternoon: Pumpkins,” Oct. 5, 2 p.m. (801-594-8611)
West Valley Library, 2880 W. 3650 South, West Valley City, “How to Be a Ghost Hunter,” Oct. 5, 2 p.m. (801-943-4636)
Millcreek Library, 2266 E. Evergreen Ave., East Millcreek, Halloween Carnival Spooktacular, Oct. 5, 2 p.m.; and read to a dog, Oct. 5, 3 p.m. (801-943-4636)
The Utah Division of Arts and Museums recently announced that folk arts grants are available for the year 2020. The Folk Arts Cultural Preservation Grants, with funds up to $1,500, will assist Individual artists, organizations and cultural communities in the documentation, preservation and presentation of traditional art forms, according to a news release. The Folk Art Apprenticeship Grants, with funds up to $3,000, will support master folk artists to work with an apprentice to share and preserve a traditional skill or art form. The deadline to apply is Friday, Oct. 4. Visit artsandmuseums.utah.gov/project-grants for more information.
Utah Valley University recently announced that registration is open for Book Academy 2019. The one-day conference will take place Oct. 11, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the UVU Wasatch Campus, 3111 College Way in Heber City. The conference aims to help writers and teachers improve their skills and discover resources for writing, according to a uvu.edu/conferences/book-academy. Registration cost is $95 for full and $45 for students, with keynote speaker James Perry and lunch included with full registration. Visit uvu.edu/conferences/book-academy for more information.
Utah Arts Festival recently announced a partnership with Wasatch Studio Tour to connect local artists with the community. According to a news release, the Wasatch Studio Tour is Salt Lake’s first valley-wide artist open studio with more than 100 artists and 20 mediums. The citywide art stroll will take place Oct. 12-13, 10-6 p.m. at various places throughout the city and is free to the public. Visit wasatchstudiotour.com for more information about the art studio tour.
Bountiful Davis Art Center, 90 N. Main, Bountiful, recently announced its two new artists in residence. Kasey Lou Lindley and Nancy Andruk Olson are the 2020 Test Site artists who will experiment at the studio and work toward a solo exhibition. Artists were selected by an outside juror. Visit bdac.org/artist-residency for more information about the artists.
The Park City Summit County Arts Council recently announced two pop ups: CreatePC and Brand PC. Both are located on Park City’s historic Main Street at 660 Main and 692 Main. Currently the pop ups feature seven local artists and 13 locally grown bands, according to a news release. Visit pcscarts.org for more information.
The Salt Lake City Arts Council recently announced applications are open for the Holiday Craft Market. Nearly 80 artists will take part in the December market with a variety of offerings, including jewelry, ceramics, textiles, artwork, prints and letterpress items, glass art, holiday decorations, items for the home, artisan food and more. All interested artists should complete the online application by Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 5 p.m. Guidelines and applications can be found at saltlakearts.org/program/holiday-craft-market/.
The Utah Food Bank was recently presented a check by Walmart associates and managers who raised $387,000 for the local organization. The check presentation along with a volunteer event was held Sept. 24 in honor of Hunger Action Month, and to commemorate Walmart and Sam’s Club goal of securing over $1 billion charitable meals nationwide during the “Fight Hunger. Spark Change” campaign, according to a news release. Visit utahfoodbank.org for information about the organization.
Note: This list is not all-inclusive, and events and prices are subject to change. To submit an event listing, email features@deseretnews.com.
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