As a 17-year-old Asian American student, my culture looks to elders with the utmost respect. Asian American immigrants have continued to work for their success, and they succeed in many aspects. But even though our elders sacrificed their entire life in their home country to give their children a better life, they end up killed for having slanted eyes.
It hurts to see other communities not fight with us during a time of oppression. Movements become more and more seen throughout the media to get us closer to equality, and yet we still see more and more acts of hate. I beg the government and local politicians to acknowledge the hate that is happening to my community right now.
Seeing our elders getting pushed to the ground, slashed in the face, shot for no reason and killed is heartbreaking to the entire world. Think for a second about how scared Asian American youth are feeling right now. Our parents and elders sacrificed their whole lives just so we can live ours, and before they start living for themselves, they lose the life they worked so hard to endure. Our parents came for the American dream, hoping that they can have a better life for their children and possibly for themselves with financial stability and the hope a new society will welcome them. Instead, they are met with violent crimes that destroy all the hope they had for America.
Kindness is and always will be the first step to equality. Our ancestors came to this land to have a better life, and instead, they are met with discrimination and become targets of hate.
Stop Asian hate. It is a disgrace it is happening in the first place. Our culture taught us to take care of our families first, so when you hurt or disrespect our community, you disrespect all of us.
Audrey Pan
from Deseret News https://ift.tt/2PnnwL6
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